Material Deposit
The Croatian National Diatom Collection acquires materials for the permanent collection via:
- Fieldwork by Algology Group Staff at University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology
- Donations from individuals and institutions
- Exchange with other institutions.
Here are listed all the requirements you need to fulfil in order to deposit a diatom material into our collection. We accept samples that have reasonable quality, adequate documentation, and have been collected in full compliance with all laws and regulations of the country of origin.
The following documentation is mandatory:
- Country
- Region/county
- Locality (e.g. name of the water body)
- Geographic coordinates
- Habitat/substrate (e.g. rock, sand, water column, turtle skin)
- Community (e.g. plankton, epiphyton, phytobenthos)
- Detailed locality information (e. g. altitude, depth, original sample code and all other data that are crucial for your sample but not mentioned in our categories)
- Title of the project
- Sampling date
- Type of sample (e.g. permanent microscopic slide, cleaned wet sample)
- Medium (e.g. Naphrax for slides, glycerol for wet samples)
- Name of the collector (or collecting agency)
- Name of diatomologist who has authority over the slides (it can be the same as collector).
Optional sample information (if applicable to your samples):
- Water chemistry of collection site (pH, conductivity, etc.)
- Taxonomic identifications and counts
- Related publication
- Related molecular data
- Additional core information for palaeological samples.
If you wish to deposit your material at our collection, send the above-mentioned information on e-mail address All details of shipment and legal administration are further discussed via e-mail.
After receiving your material, a unique accession number in our collection will be assigned, and after proper entry into our database, you will be officially informed.