Isotype of this species is deposited in the Croatian National Diatom Collection as permanent slide under accession number HRNDC000003.
The species has been named in honour to professor emeritus Damir Viličić, S.B: Ph.D. supervisor and an outstanding scientist who considerably contributed to the knowledge on phytoplankton taxonomy and ecology in the Adriatic Sea.
Croatia: Adriatic Sea, south–eastern coast (P600, N 42°24ʹ E 17°55ʹ). Plankton net sample collected on March 10, 2016 by S. Bosak. Holotype slide of the strain PMFBION4A deposited in The Friedrich Hustedt Diatom Study Centre, Bremerhaven, Germany as BRM ZU10/86. Isotype slide deposited at Macedonian diatom collection, Skopje, Macedonia under accession number 011648 MNDC. GenBank accession numbers for PMFBION4A are: MF000611 (18S rRNA), MF000637 (rbcL) and MF000623 (psbC).
Large and delicate cells with lightly silicified frustules and one plate-like plastid, commonly twisted only in wing area, appearing as one wing is torsioned (lifted) for 90° in respect to the rest of the cell. Cells 15.8–38.4 μm long, 4.0–11.1 μm wide at constricted central part and 7.2–14.7 μm in widest part. Valves narrowly lanceolate with acute valve apices, 15.8–38.4 μm long, 3.6–9.1 μm wide in central part. The transition from the keel to the valve body creates an impression of a straight to slightly arcuate line. Virgae are straight, parallelly extending through the whole valve body, rarely bifurcated towards the valve margin. Valve striae 40–50 in 10 μm. Keel striae 38–45 in 10 μm. The striae are closed by a hymen with roundish to elliptical perforations arranged in two parallel lines along the striae edges. Striae perforations 32–38 in 1 μm near the keel margin and 24–34 in 1 μm near the valve margin. Basal fibulae extending from keel virgae are present along the transition to the valve body, sometimes interconnected with adjacent fibulae with transverse connections forming shape of letter H or Y, 4–6 in 1 μm. Sigmoid raphe with simple linear central and terminal endings. Raphe fibulae 40–50 in 10 μm. The cingulum is composed of one valvocopula and three copulae. Valvocopula has a characteristic clepsydriform shape, described as alternation of convex and concave band edge in respect to longitudinal rib. Valvocopulae and copulae striae occluded by very lightly silicified hymenes with roundish to elliptical perforations, with 10–17 and 19–44 perforations in advalvar and abvalvar valvocopula striae, respectively. Copulae striae 50–60 in 10 μm and valvocopulae striae 55–60 in 10 μm,